FBCD Sermons
How to Succeed in Life's Business
Both our scriptures today, from Psalm 1 and from James 3, wrestle with how we truly live out life’s goodness and authentically discover wisdom’s vitality.
How to Calm (Y)our World
In this message, Dr. David Jordan shares from Psalms about putting “calm” back into our world.
How to Make Your Faith Work
In this message, Dr. David Jordan shares from James 2:1-10, 14-17 about putting your faith into practice.
Be Doers of the Word
In this message, Rev. Mark Green, Pastor for Senior Adults & Children's and Youth Music, shares with us from James 1:17-27 about being DOERS of the Word.
Working Together for Good
In this message, David Jordan is joined by Paul Baxley from the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship as they share together about working together for the good.
The House of Wisdom
In this message, Rev. Dr. Paul Wallace, shares from Proverbs 9:1-6 in a foundational message about the importance of wisdom.
Be Angry But Do Not Sin
In this message, Senior Pastor, Dr. David Jordan, shares from Ephesians 4:25-5:2 in a message about controlling our anger.
Confession is Good for the Soul
In this message, Senior Pastor, Dr. David Jordan, shares from 2 Samuel 11:26-12:13 about the importance of confession.
Learning to Share
In this message, Dr. David Jordan shares from John 6:1-21, using the story of feeding the five thousand as a lesson in sharing.
No Longer Strangers
In this message, Dr. David Jordan shares from Psalm 24 and Ephesians 1:3-14.
For the Praise of God's Glory
In this message, Dr. David Jordan shares from Psalm 24 and Ephesians 1:3-14.
When I’m Weak, Then I’m Strong
Dr. David Jordan shares from Psalm 123 and 2 Corinthians 12:9b-10 in this message about our strength and the power of Christ.
Abundance in a Deserted Place
In this message, Dr. David Jordan shares from Mark 6:30-44 about the familiar story of the feeding of the five thousand.
The Difference Between Elbows and Fingertips
In this story of courage, resiliency, and faith, Dr. Jordan shares the powerful connections between Jesus, the woman in Mark 5, and today.
It’s Good to Give Thanks
In this message, Dr. Jordan shares with us the power of music in the growing of our faith. We will also learn how the music of this Sunday, that “Old Time Religion” of bluegrass gospel, conveys a very similar hope to those composing our original psalms.
Not Losing Heart
Dr. Jordan shares key biblical insights about our own “nakedness” to what we cannot control, and what the Bible says about how we can thrive together moving forward with God’s help.
Getting Our Act Together
What will it be like to live in a “post-pandemic world?” We are just beginning to find out. But we can learn from what the Bible has to say.