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Sunday Small Groups Classes
Adult Classes
Life Bible Study: This class is composed of people in the middle to later stages of life's journey focused on in-depth biblical study and discussion.
Welcome All: The Welcome All class is a caring supportive group of senior women and men. We gather during the Sunday School hour for Bible study, fellowship, and prayer. Our goal is to grow spiritually seeking to understand how to live, reflecting God’s love. We are also involved in many of the ministries of our church. Giving assistance puts feet to our love and concern.
Fellowship: This class is for seniors who are discerning God’s direction along this chapter of their lives. They use the Formations study guides produced by Smyth & Helwys. All are free to comment and/or pose questions in a supportive learning environment.
Triple L: Members of Triple L are senior adult women exploring the Bible through the Smyth & Helwys curriculum and enjoying the fellowship and support of each other and their church.
Verdery: The Verdery class is made up of seniors who are discerning God’s will in their lives through Bible study, building a Christ community, and caring for the self and others. They conduct in-depth Bible studies in an open and relaxed atmosphere. Verdery uses the Smyth & Helwys guides.
The Living Room: The Living Room is a small group discussion class formed to examine our everyday lives in the light of the gospel. We use a variety of materials put forward by members of the class—scripture, short articles, podcasts, and videos —to stimulate our discussions. Our ages range from the 20s to the 60s, which gives us access to the wisdom inherent to all stages of adult life. Discussions can be frank and are often wide-ranging. As our name suggests, we seek to acknowledge and embrace the “living” part of each of our lives. Generally, no advance preparation is required for each Sunday. We especially welcome visitors.
Pilgrims: For half a century, the Pilgrims class has been an intergenerational group of disciples committed to sharing our journeys through dialogue, study, and doing together. Inclusive of the diversity of both people and ideas, Pilgrims embrace differences and ambiguities and encourage each other in our personal pilgrimages. Intentional in our study time together, we attempt to be both intellectually honest and serious about living lives of faith. Study series vary and are geared toward nurturing lives of contemplation, the pursuit of meaning, and the application of faith in the context of life in the world around us. Pilgrims are committed to engaging the world in service, justice, and witness, with our broad variety of passions, talents, and perspectives. We are enriched both by long-standing relationships in the group, and by the gifts of new lives that come into our midst. We live in hope, because we recognize that individually, and as a group, we are unfinished.
Seeking the Kingdom: This group is led corporately and is a diverse group that focuses on biblical and spiritual study.
Children & Youth Classes
Preschool & Children: Children from PreK through fifth grade gather on Sundays for Bible study, crafts, music, and snacks.
Youth: The FBC Decatur youth group seeks to grow together through fun activities, engaging God's Word, and developing a sense of our own individual spirituality. The goal is to develop critical thinking skills in regards to Scripture and societal issues while also eating lots of pizza, swimming, watching movies, and playing games!
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