How to Succeed in Life's Business

how to succeed in life's business david jordan sermon first baptist church decatur.png

Life is good. Wisdom is vital.

Both our scriptures today, from Psalm 1 and from James 3, wrestle with how we truly live out life’s goodness and authentically discover wisdom’s vitality.

Join us as Dr. Jordan guides through the keen insights that flow from both passages. In doing so, we pray that may you also discover clarity in your own efforts at “skillful living.”

Note: Beginning this coming Sunday, you will not want to miss Dr. Jordan’s new four-part series on Revelation called:

Revealing the Truth: Explorations of Revelation

Over the next four weeks, you will learn the living power of these mysterious words. We will also explore the fascinating background about why this controversial book of the Bible appears to be both so frightening, as well as so confusing. Our goal, though, is not only to offer more clarity, but to also share the original intent: to inspire hope for the future and courage for today. We look forward to having you join us!