Revealing the Truth: Explorations in Revelation, Part 2

revealing the truth revelation part 2 david jordan sermon first baptist church decatur.png

This is the Book of Revelation as you have never heard it. With equal doses of education and inspiration, Dr. Jordan shares the insightful power this controversial book declares.

Not for the faint of heart, we move through this second in our four-part series learning more about what Revelation says than we thought possible.

Join us for this continued unveiling of the Truth about Revelation. Discover with us: is it the Lion or the Lamb? And what difference does it make?

Our Next Two Weeks in the Series on Revelation

Then join us again for our next two weeks on Revelation. This coming week, October 10, “Who Is the Beast?” from Revelation 13, and on October 17: “The Glorious Surprise” from Revelation 21-22. We look forward to having you be with us!