Revealing the Truth: Explorations in Revelation, Part 1

revealing the truth revelation part 1 david jordan sermon first baptist church decatur.png

Have you ever felt hopeless? The Bible as a whole addresses this consistently and well.

In the book of Revelation, this fascinating, sometimes frightening portrayal of the battle between good and evil, the overall arc of these strange passages is definitely hope.

But getting there can be fraught with confusion.

In this first sermon in a 4-part series on Revelation, Dr. Jordan provides us with an essential introduction to what is happening in this powerful, final book of the Bible. Listening carefully, we learn some essentials: how to experience it, what to look for, and some essential perspectives on the historical context.  What was it that stimulated such a dramatic presentation of hope?

Join us for this powerful beginning in our series, and for each of the subsequent vital presentations on: Revealing the Truth: Explorations of Revelation.