Revealing the Truth: Explorations in Revelation, Part 3

revealing the truth revelation part 3 david jordan sermon first baptist church decatur.png

Have you ever wondered about this whole 666 thing and the “sign of the beast?”

Too often in our American religious circles, these famous passages of Revelation have been misused, abused, and badly manipulated.

Instead, join us as we learn valuable information without “throwing the baby out with the bath!” We can be truly inspired by these powerful words as we learn what they meant, as well as what they can and must mean for today.  

In our third sermon in this exciting and highly informative four-part series, Dr. Jordan sheds additional new light on these mysterious words and images.

Who in the world is the beast in Revelation? And why should we care?!

Join us for this amazing presentation on Revelation and find out.

For Further Exploration:

If you are interested in discovering the fascinating contrast to what John the Elder says in Revelation about the Roman Empire and how Paul the Apostle feels about Rome, especially in Romans 13, read Dr. Jordan’s article in Baptist News Global: “From Romans to Revelation: How Christians Began to Stand Against the Emperor.”

