OUTLOOK Monthly Newsletter Jan/Feb Issue
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FBCD Important Dates in January & February
Beth’s Books - January
Each month, Beth Withers, one of our library volunteers, shares the newest books that have been added to our church library this past month.
Sunday Night Youth Program 2023
Youth programming is ongoing on Sunday nights in the Activities Building from 6-8pm. Youth are encouraged to invite their friends and dinner will be provided. If you are interested in volunteering to chaperone, please email Kelsey (welcome@fbcdecatur.com) for the opportunity to mentor and support the people of FBCD.
All Church Breakfast and Combined Worship
Join us for an all church breakfast and combined worship on January 29th. 9:00 Breakfast, 10:00 Sunday School, 11:15 Combined Worship.
Beth’s Books - January
Each month, Beth Withers, one of our library volunteers, shares the newest books that have been added to our church library this past month.