Shelter Me


I have always enjoyed using the Psalms in my own time of personal devotion. There are so many of them, and it seems like you can always find a psalm that fits the mood you are in or a situation you are going through. There are psalms for when you are sad or when you are celebrating; psalms for when you are scared or lonely.

These poetic scripture passages can be used in so many different ways. I especially like to read the familiar psalms in different scripture translations. Reading them with different words allows me to experience them in new and different ways.

 But the other way I enjoy experiencing the Psalms is when they are set to music. Take a moment to listen to this newly written hymn.

This song was written in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic. The words are based on Psalm 23. The composer of the piece, Jan Michael Joncas, says this of the song:

“These are difficult time for all of us, individually and globally. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted life as normal and called for acts of corporate and individual heroism in the face of present suffering and an uncertain future. People of faith may be struggling to articulate their belief in an all-good and all-powerful God in this new era. ‘Shelter Me’ -- is my attempt as a church composer to find God's presence even in these fraught times. Based on Psalm 23, my paraphrase adapts the psalmist's sentiments to respond to our present anxieties.”

As you listen to the song, what hints of the 23rd Psalm do you hear? What are some of the ways that you connect with this psalm in this new context? How does this song speak to you on this day?

Take a moment to reflect on the song and allow it to speak to you in a new way. 

Loving God, we give thanks for the gift of music. In this time of uncertainly, we are ever grateful that we can turn to your Word and find words of comfort, hope, and peace. As we go about our day, help us to remember the words from Psalm 23: Even though I walk in darkness, I fear nothing for you are with me. Restore our souls, God; allow us to notice your goodness and mercy in our lives today. We pray this in your name. Amen.

Kristen Koger, Pastor for Children and Families, First Baptist Church of Decatur