Tuesday Daily Prayer


April 28, 2020

Stay With Us 

“As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying, “Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over.” So he went in to stay with them. “

– Luke 24:28-29

God of love and light,

There are times in each of our lives when we feel that night is coming when darkness rapidly replaces light in our lives when we most need to know that your comforting presence is with us.  Stay with us, God of love and light.  Stay with us. 

In our lives, night represents all that is fearful and uncertain, all that is suffering and sorrow.  In our night, stay with us, Lord Jesus.  Let your light push a hole in the darkness as night begins to fall.  Comfort us in our fear of the night, fear of the unknown future, fear of the wilderness in which we travel.

In the uncertainty of this time in life, we know that what we once knew as normal will not return.  What will replace it has not yet come to be.  So we stand in between the familiar past and the unfamiliar future.  Stay with us in this liminal time of wilderness.  Stay with us in our dis-orientation.  Stay with us as we adapt, developing new ways of living, new ways of following you. 

As you stay with us, we learn to trust you in our lives and to trust our lives in you.  When we no longer have control of our lives, may we be teachable for you.  As we trust your presence in and around us, we give ourselves to your indwelling peace and transforming love.    

In our openness and trust, work your transformation in our lives.  Use the wilderness of this liminal moment in time to change our hearts.  Stay with us, that our hearts may be open to your unchanging love.  Stay with us.


P.S. This is a wonderful choral anthem to accompany this text.

Submitted By:
Greg Smith, Director of Legacy Ministry, First Baptist Church of Decatur

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