Thursday Daily Prayer


March 26, 2020

Look upon us gently, Lord,
for waiting is not our forte.

So many other things are…
Things like moving ahead,
fixing what’s wrong,
planning for what’s next,
diagnosing the problem,
cramming more into a day
than one person can possibly do
before the sun goes down. 

But waiting…
when we are waiting for the light to shine
when we are waiting for the Word,
when we are waiting for a wound to heal,
nothing in all the world is harder than waiting. 

So, in your mercy, Lord,
wait with us.
Be our very present help in waiting.
Heal our frenzy.
Calm our fears.
Comfort those who at this very minute
are with every anxious break and thought
waiting for they know-not-what.

Transform our in-the-meantime
into your time,
while we wait with each other,
sit with each other,
pray each other into hope,
surrounded by your presence,
even in the darkness.
Especially in the darkness. 


Written by Sharlande Sledge

Submitted by:
Kristen Koger
Pastor for Children and Families
March 26, 2020

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