What is God Teaching You?


One year ago this month, I began a new chapter and journey in my life. I made an appointment to see a therapist. There had been a strong of difficult things that had happened in my life, and I realized that I could no longer carry these things on my own. And so I found a therapist and began working with her every other week.

It has been the hardest and most beautiful thing I’ve ever done for myself. In my humble opinion, all human beings would benefit from having a good therapist in their life. If you need a recommendation- I’d be happy to pass along some suggestions.

What is God Teaching You?

I met with my therapist (we will call her Claire) last week. We talked about how I was coping with working remotely and being far away from family and living alone.

And I would be lying if I said that it has been easy. It’s actually been very difficult. I’m an extrovert, and so not seeing friends and coworkers regularly is not easy! And I love my dog…but he isn’t the greatest conversationalist.

At one point in our conversation, Claire asked this question: “What do you think God is trying to teach you during this time?”

I chuckled when she asked the question because there are so many possible answers to that question. We continued to talk, and unpack what my answer and thoughts.

Morning Prayer

Each day since then, I have tried to begin my morning with the following prayer:

“God, open my eyes that I may see the world as you see it. Open my ears so I can hear your voice in my life. Open my heart to find ways to love those who need it most. Open my mind so that I may be open to the thing you have to teach me today.”

Evening Reflection

Every evening as my day ends, I have also tried to take some time to think about what God taught me that day. Sometimes it’s a small thing like, “Technology doesn’t always work. And that’s okay.” And sometimes it’s a bigger thing like, “It’s okay for you to be alone.” (This was a hard one for me to hear…because again…I’m an extrovert. I don’t like to be alone very often).

Reflect: What’s God Teaching You?

I encourage you to take some time today (or in the days ahead) to reflect on the question Claire asked me: “What is God trying to teach you during this time?” Write down some of your thoughts. I hope you do this a few times a week. And then, after a few weeks, go back and look at what you have learned. You might be surprised at what God is teaching you- whether you are aware of it or not.


Kristen Koger is the Pastor for Children and Families at First Baptist Church of Decatur.