Finding Balance in the Stars

The Epiphany Star Tradition

For the past two years, all those who are present in worship on Epiphany Sunday (the Sunday closest to January 6) have been given a gift: the gift of a star with a word on it.

This word is meant to guide and challenge you in the year ahead.


Many times, people groan when they receive their word because they know it is the word they need, but not the word they want.

Other times, people come away with confused looks on their faces as they try to figure out how in the world they will be able to apply their word to their life.

But inevitably, as the year goes on and as we prepare for the next Epiphany Sunday, people will find that if they look back on their year that their star has indeed been a part of their life, whether they were paying attention or not.

My Word: Balance

On Epiphany Sunday in 2019, the word I received was “balance.”

I chuckled, assuming that I was given this word because I needed to bring balance to various areas of my life: my work/life balance, my food/exercise balance, my saving/spending balance, my social butterfly/stay-at-home balance.

Like many of us, I thought I knew exactly what this word was for and how I would work to live into it.

And like many of us, I did well at that for about a month and then promptly forgot because “life got too busy” or “I just needed to get through the next two weeks and then things would calm down.”

Pretty soon, the star word that hangs on a lamp in my office was no longer the focus or priority.

Discovering a sense of balance

For any of you who are friends with me on Facebook may remember that I posted back in March that I was going to my first appointment with my therapist. I am a huge advocate for therapy. I think all people would benefit from seeing a therapist.

I have been able to face hard things and feel like I’m not facing them alone.
— Kristen Koger

But this was my first time seeing a therapist and I was nervous and anxious, and over the last nine months, I have continued to make my therapy appointments a priority.

I’ve had conversations about many things and I’ve opened myself up to the hard but healing work that comes with therapy. It’s been the best decision I’ve ever made for myself

Through my appointments with my therapist, I have been able to face hard things and feel like I’m not facing them alone.

I’ve been able to visit painful parts of my story and extend forgiveness to those who had a part, but more importantly to myself.

I’ve been able to leave each session knowing that no matter what was or wasn’t said, that I was not carrying the weight of whatever I entered the session with by myself.

I am not on this journey alone. Things don’t feel quite as heavy.

The gift of balance

For me, 2019 was about me figuring out what is mine to carry and what is not. It was about me letting go of the things I no longer wish to carry so I can focus on the things that are important and that matter and bring joy.

2019 was about finding balance in my soul, in the internal parts of my heart that you may not be able to see from the outside, but that I carry with me each and every day.

Who knew that when I was given the gift of this star on January 6, 2019 what the year held for me? Who knew how this word would change my life for the better?

I sure didn’t, but I sure am glad that I was given the gift of balance.


Do you want an Epiphany Star?

We have several extra stars in the Welcome Center if you weren’t able to make it during this year’s Epiphany Service. Simply swing by during normal office hours and we’ll make sure you get one!


Kristen Koger is the Pastor for Children and Families at First Baptist Church of Decatur.

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