Mission Trip: Footsteps on an American Bridge


All he wanted was fifteen cents.

Earlier in the day, I had decided that I was going to purposively walk the streets that evening in search of a homeless guy.

Part of it was because I wanted someone to talk to and I think the other part was that I wanted to feel good about myself. It was by chance that around sunset I crossed paths with Danny on the Douglas St. Bridge.

He carried a wooden cane and limped with old age. Looking in his face I could tell that he was somewhere in his sixties, but ripe with whit. I think that I secretly wanted to walk by Danny.

Oftentimes we search for things in life and then once we’re given those things, we seize up with fear and don’t know how to act.

Sometimes that’s how it is when I want to talk to homeless people.

I had seen Danny around before and his reputation preceded him — he was notorious for… [read the rest on Medium…]


Matt Snyder is the Director of Communications at First Baptist Church of Decatur. You can follow him on Twitter @matthewlasnyder.

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