Christ in All Things


August 4, 2019

Our lectionary passages for the day call for a creative dialogue between the books of Ecclesiastes and Colossians. Dr. Jordan reminds us of the value in hearing these biblical voices conversing with each other over the ages. And this conversation informs our own necessary and difficult conversation today.

From the Teacher of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament and from the Apostle Paul in the New Testament, we are called to “Think Deeply” about life and faith. What is God expecting of us? Why are we here? And how do we treat one another?

As Ecclesiastes asks hard questions resonant with culture and concerns, Colossians specifies clear, highly relevant teachings to “Live Wisely.” And finally, to really fulfill our discipleship, we are called to “Love Fully” in and through Jesus.

May you listen well; and may you be inspired to think more deeply, to live more wisely, and to love more fully!

FBC Decatur