Confidence is Cool


August 25, 2019

From Psalm 71 and Jeremiah 1, Dr. Jordan reminds us of the desire for and the elusiveness of self-confidence. The vagaries of everyday life teach us quickly how easily confidence in ourselves can erode. Both the Psalmist and Jeremiah express this clear understanding. Their faith must transcend selfish ends. Their hope, their trust is in God. And in this expanding faith, Jeremiah discovers a deeper call as a prophet: to listen to God; to listen to the people. In doing so, he (and we!) are not so much called to predict the future, but to change the future.

From Dr. Jordan’s recent experience as one of our five Decatur representatives at the Georgia Police-Community Trust Initiative, he further offers amazing examples of Police Chiefs from across the country sharing stories of doing this very thing: Of listening carefully, researching fully, confessing, apologizing for past actions, and initiating active public involvement for bringing about redemptive community work to change the future. The power of reconciliation and community action is inspiring. And the examples these police chiefs and their efforts are powerful. Now, as a follower of Jesus, may you be inspired for confidence in God’s reconciling work of hope and trust.

FBC Decatur