May Mission Focus - FBC Decatur Assistance Ministry
Beth’s Books - May
Each month, Beth Withers, one of our library volunteers, shares the newest books that have been added to our church library this past month.
Sunday Night Youth Program 2023
Youth programming is ongoing on Sunday nights in the Activities Building from 6-8pm. Youth are encouraged to invite their friends and dinner will be provided. If you are interested in volunteering to chaperone, please email Kelsey (welcome@fbcdecatur.com) for the opportunity to mentor and support the people of FBCD.
Breakfast & One Worship April 30th
Breakfast: 9:00 AM
Sunday School: 10:00 AM
One Worship: 11:15 AM in the Sanctuary
OUTLOOK Monthly Newsletter April Issue
Download our monthly newsletter.
Lost-n-Found Youth
First Baptist Decatur provides financial support to Lost-n-Found Youth, an Atlanta-based nonprofit organization that provides services to LGBTQ+ Youth experiencing homelessness. They envision a world where all youth feel safe and supported to live and love authentically.
Specific volunteer opportunities include meal prep for the youth shelter which is continuously full. They serve over 600 meals a month, 3 meals a day for 20 persons at each meal. They also need volunteers to process and sort donated items to the Lost-n-Found Thrift Store. Contact Beth Jackson-Jordan at bjacksonjordan@gmail.com if you are interested in serving. You can learn more about Lost-n-Found Youth at:
Beth’s Books - April
Each month, Beth Withers, one of our library volunteers, shares the newest books that have been added to our church library this past month.
Holiday Service Dates
Palm Sunday: April 2 (8:45 am Fresh Start, 11:15 am Sanctuary)
Good Friday: April 7 (7:30 pm)
Easter Sunday: April 9 (8:45 am Fresh Start, 11:15 am Sanctuary)
Decatur Easter Egg Hunt (Rain or Shine!)
Mark Your Calendars, and Sign Up to Volunteer: Easter Egg Hunt April 8!
Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will begin at 10:00 am on Saturday, April 8! We’ll have egg hunts for three different age groups, a popup market, a special appearance by the Easter Bunny, and more! If you’re interested in volunteering for this event, contact Maggie at mparker@fbcdecatur.com.
Deam Donations
One of DEAM’s biggest current needs is monies to help folks with their winter utility bills. Checks can be made out to FBCD and notated DEAM, or give online and select DEAM. If you’d like to contribute to DEAM’s pantry, most needed items are: canned fruit (especially fruit cocktails), canned chicken, cans of beef stew or chili, cans of pork and beans, grape and strawberry jelly, white and yellow rice, and boxes of cereal. Thank you! Click here to Donate.