December Mission Moment
This month, we're supporting the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global Missions. CBF supports long-term field personnel in 18 countries, 20 student interns, and many short-term mission teams annually. One way that we're supporting CBF Global Missions is through our 6th annual Christmas on Clairemont, hosted by our very own Daniel Solberg! The concert itself is free to attend, but we'll be taking up a collection that will go toward the CBF Macedonia Mission in Skopje. The concert is December 17 at 6:00 pm! Last year's Keyboards and Choir show was fabulous, but this year, we'll return to our grand orchestra and festival chorus!

November Mission Moment
Urban Recipe

October Missions Moment
CBF Global Missions/Macedonia Missions

September Missions Moment
CBF Georgia Executive Coordinator, Jody Long, will join us in worship on Sunday, September 10, to share about the work of CBF of Georgia and Together for Hope.

August Mission Moment - Interfaith Children’s Movement

July Mission Focus - Decatur Cooperative Ministry
Decatur Cooperative Ministry (DCM) offers homelessness alleviation and prevention services to at-risk and homeless residents of DeKalb County. Their services include transitional housing, shelter, and homelessness prevention programs. DCM partners with 35 congregations from 14 denominations as well as private foundations, universities and schools, government agencies, community groups, and local businesses. Did you know that DCM got its start when four large churches sponsored an after-school program at our church? And guess who was instrumental? Mickey Goodson! Learn more at www.decaturcooperativeministry.org.

June Mission Focus - The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
CBF will be hosting their annual General Assembly in Atlanta, June 28-30. All are invited to experience the Fellowship! The event will be held at the Hyatt Regency downtown and will include worship, learning labs, a robust exhibit hall, meal events with dynamic speakers, as well as sessions focused on equipping congregations around financial wellness, having difficult conversations and living more faithfully into their callings. Learn more about General Assembly and register at www.cbf.net/assembly.

A Vital, Challenging Week of Racial Justice Programs at FBCD