FBCD Events

Children’s Wing Cleanout
Please join us to help clean out the kids’ Sunday School classrooms and closets to help us ready ourselves for a brand-new year together! Lunch will be provided for all volunteers. Kids are welcome to help, too! Please RSVP to ajohnson@fbcdecatur.com.

Parents’ Morning Out
Parents, we know how hard you work, and we want to give you a morning for some self-care. Pack your kiddos a lunch and drop them off with us for the morning so that you can go grab brunch, meet a friend, or just take a well-deserved nap! We’ll entertain your child(ren) (for free!) with a movie, games, crafts, and more.

Stone Mountain Day Trip
Pre-K through fifth graders are invited to venture to Stone Mountain with us for half a day of fun! Parents are free to join their kids or drop them off and pick them back up when we return. Upon arrival, we will break up into small groups (based on kids’ ages) and then come back together for a picnic meal later in the afternoon. Each group will decide individually how they want to spend their time at the mountain, Please pack a sack lunch. Drinks will be provided. RSVP to Andrea Corso Johnson at ajohnson@fbcdecatur.com. The trip cost is $25/person.