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10 Must-Read Books for Spiritual Growth

These books have expanded my image of God and helped me to grow in relationship with God. Each one is filled with highlighted sentences, sticky notes, and thoughts penciled in the margins. I could have listed a dozen more, but these are a good place to start.

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Creation Tells a Story

This creation psalm reminds us of the vastness and beauty of God’s creation. If you’re anything like me, you’ve read it a thousand times before and only thought, “Yeah, creation’s big. Yadda yadda…” But creation tells us a story too.

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It's Okay to Lean on Others

Are you someone that others consider "a rock in the storm?"
Are you the designated listener when your friends need to vent?
Do you value independence such that you don't have an easy time asking for help?

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Prayer for a New School Year

If you know a student or teacher, I hope that you will reach out to them this week and let them know you are thinking about them as they all begin a new year. It is sure to be a year for the books (no pun intended).

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