Prayer for a New School Year


We offered this “Back to School Blessing” for our students and teachers in worship on August 9. This week, our students and teachers return to the classroom- some virtually and some digitally. We offered each of them a tag with the words “You are Loved” on it as a reminder that no matter where they go, God’s love and the love of our church family is with them.

If you know a student or teacher, I hope that you will reach out to them this week and let them know you are thinking about them as they all begin a new year. It is sure to be a year for the books (no pun intended).

God, for our students who are beginning a new school year, we ask for your guidance as they learn and study and as their brains fill with new knowledge.

We pray for the various devices that will allow learning to happen this year, God. For laptops and tablets, video cameras and cell phones. We pray for strong internet, clear and appropriately muted microphones, and creative opportunities to learn. May we see this virtual learning as a way to keep our students, teachers, and communities safe, even with the challenges it will bring.

We pray for the backpacks that will  hopefully soon carry school books and homework to and from school. May the knowledge and materials that they contain help our students learn and grow into the beautiful, gifted humans God has created them to be.

We pray that as our students embark on this journey that you will get them the ability to focus and to believe in themselves as they take on the opportunities and challenges that this school year will bring.

For teachers who will guide them in their education, we pray that their teaching will effective and that their classrooms, whether in person or digital, will be filled with an excitement to learn.

Bless them as they educate and guide their students. Bless them as they try to keep their students attention through a computer screen or remind their students to keep their masks on and to wash their hands. Bless them as they give their hearts and energy to their students this year.

We pray for school administration and staff as they continue to make decisions about the best way to keep their school communities safe. Give them wisdom, courage, and strength as they make hard decisions that will impact hundreds of students and teachers in the year ahead.

Be with parents who again find themselves with the challenge to fill the multiple roles of parent and teacher. Help them to find the balance between these two roles so they can balance the demands of school and the needs of their family as well.

Be with our community as we try to find the best ways to support families, students, and teachers this year. Help each of us to find ways to encourage, lift up, and affirm the good and hard work that this school year will bring.

We pray all these things in the name of Jesus, the greatest teacher who walked this earth. May we let his teachings and love for this world be our guide. Amen.

Submitted by:
Kristen Koger, Pastor for Children and Families, First Baptist Decatur