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What does it mean to be Baptist?

What does it mean to be a Baptist? How are Baptists different than every other Christian denomination? What do they stand for and value? It’s probably not what you think.

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God's Extravagant Grace

God’s grace is a gift. God spreads grace around like seeds flung abundantly out on the ground. God just spreads grace around willy-nilly, indiscriminately, letting the abundance of love fall wherever it can. It is an extravagant gift of grace and love.

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What Are We to Make of This Patriarch?

What are we to make of a patriarch — a hero of the faith — who so unapologetically used deceit, manipulation, and outright callousness to further his aims?

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Prayer to Help Us Be Brave

This prayer is a prayer on bravery from our first session of Compassion Camp, published by Illustrated Ministry.

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