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Doing the Right Thing

Jesus' claim on a Christian's life often compels us towards actions and beliefs that have political implications. Our faith cannot and should not fit neatly into a box that divides itself from our politics.

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Suffering and Redemptive Work

Do you ever have days when you feel suffering like what Job expresses in scripture? If you ever do, know that what you read in Job, and what the Bible acknowledges consistently throughout scripture: sometimes, life is just plain hard.

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Rejoice in the Lord

Joy keeps us tuned to the presence of God in our lives so that when life’s little pleasures come our way, we can enjoy them and be reminded that God is with us, always.

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Invisible Strings of Love

What an appropriate message for us to hear during these times of social distancing and not being with one another. It can be hard when we aren’t able to see “our people”… And yet, we know that we can all still be connected.

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