The Gifts You Have Given for 2022!


Happy New Year, and THANK YOU! It is with much excitement and great gratitude that I share some very good news with you. As you might have already seen from Dilshad’s Vital Signs report for the final week of 2022: 

We didn’t just meet our budget goal. As of today (Thursday, January 5), we surpassed our budget goal by a over $12,700! And according to Dilshad, we are still processing a few final gifts that are coming in online.

In addition, I am thrilled to say that the offering we collected for Ukraine at Christmas on Clairemont has now surpassed $35,000. That Christmas offering, combined with the contributions you had previously given for Ukraine of $37,000 (before Christmas on Clairemont) now totals over $72,000 for 2022

This is truly remarkable. Bless you! And may God continue to use these gifts in redemptive ways that will provide healing and hope for years to come in Ukraine. And may God bless and expand the reach of your exceptional generosity for 2022 and on into 2023, for our church, for Decatur and far beyond!


David Jordan
Senior Pastor