Epiphany Sunday Recap: Aha Moments


Epiphany Sunday is an ancient Christian tradition which recalls this famous story of the Bible found in the second chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. 

Magi come from the East. Herod the king frets, schemes and creates havoc. 

Joseph and his little family flee to Egypt.

Sometimes seeing the light (or having an epiphany) awakens us to an exciting new insight. Sometimes, our eyes are opened to a different, troubling perspective. Such was the case with both Joseph as well as the Magi.

Life can be very hard. The Bible is straightforward with this reality. Facing difficulty, discovering hard truths, awakening to disillusioning insights … these are also part of the valuable epiphanies God provides for us. 

We also handed out our Epiphany Stars at the end of both services. So if you missed out on those, let us know and we can either mail you yours, or you can come by our church office and get it. Either way: 

May the light of God’s wisdom guide us to good and hopeful places in this new year.

I look forward to sharing 2023 with each of you!




David Jordan
Senior Pastor