A Prayer for the Children
“But Jesus called for them and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.’ ”
LORD, You have a special love for children, don't you?
In fact, the Hebrews are often called "your children,"
and we still call them "the children of Israel."
But when your own followers tried to shoo them away,
you admonished them, and reminded them that heaven itself is the property of children.
May we as your followers and as members of this great society in which we live
pray and care for our children;
for those children whose own parents do not care for them;
for those children scarred, bruised, and abused and alone;
for the children who do not know the word or the action of love;
for the children whose minds and brains cannot understand acceptance, and kindness, and concern.
We pray for parents who haven't learned to be parents;
Help us to care for them and teach them how to love their children.
We pray for teachers, and counselors, and those who make policies
for our schools,
That common sense and concern for the child will prevail.
And LORD, lead us all to protect and inspire our children to follow your teachings.
And to love one another.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Rev. Dr. Bill Fulkerson