Listening for God: A Journaling Exercise



“The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” – Genesis 12:1


Instead of a traditional devotional thought today, sit with the above passage for several moments and let it speak to you. Then grab your journal and imaginatively answer the following questions:

  • How did Abram hear the LORD?

  • What did Abram feel when the LORD spoke his command?

  • If you were Abram, what objections would you have to what the LORD said?

  • How do you hear God speak?

  • What unknown journey is God beckoning you on today?

  • How does that call make you feel?

  • What objections do you have to what God is calling you to?

  • What’s the first step you can take in that direction?


Lord, thank you for these ancient stories that teach me how to walk by faith and not by sight,
stories that encourage me to take risks and press into the unknown journey.
May I have the courage today to lean into the places you’re calling me to go,
even when it’s scary or I don’t know the way.
But in the midst of it, may I be a towering beacon of your hope and love for the world.
In Christ’s name I pray, amen.

Matt Snyder, Director of Communications, First Baptist Church Decatur


Thursday Daily Prayer


Who Are You?