Friday Daily Prayer


May 15, 2020

Holy God,

As days blur together and their names lose meaning in time as we know it right now, we give thanks for a new day: the sunshine streaming in through the window, the gentle breeze that cools the day. For coffee and tea, breakfast and quiet mornings to sit in your presence, we are grateful.

In the loneliness of isolation, in the absence of human touch and connection, we grieve. As our tears become our food, we ask for your presence to come be our help, and you hear us. You are with us in our saddest moments inching us toward joy, even in the most tiny pockets here and there throughout the weeks and months.

In the joy of new discoveries, like baby produce in our gardens, fresh blooms on our flowering plants, new iterations of bread from sourdough starters we began at the start of our physical distancing, we find you. We taste, and see, and smell that you are good. Your mercies, new every morning about for us in the space between joy and sorrow – a space we inhabit more often these days.

Holy God, we are your people. As complex as you are. Made in your image, we know that if we are grieving and crying, and finding joy intermingled with sorrow, so are you. Remind us, God, with whispers on the wind, the beauty of new life springing up from the ground, and ordinary moments throughout our days, that you are with us.

In everything that we experience, be it sadness and loneliness, loss and sorrow, joy and renewal. Our lives are intertwined with yours and with each other's in a beatifully intricate dance called the human journey. And we are grateful.

We pray this evening, gratefully through our risen Christ. Amen

Submitted by:
Sara Robb-Scott, Pastor for Senior Adults and Pastoral Care, First Baptist Decatur