Thursday Daily Prayer


April 9, 2020

A prayer of thanksgiving for foot washers

Dear Lord,
Even as Jesus washed the dusty, day-worn feet of the disciples in his care,
still you grace us with foot-washers, those who serve us with humble, Christ-like leadership, taking temperatures and drawing blood, stocking shelves and sanitizing cash registers. 
May we recognize their service as your grace, a provision given at great risk and great cost. 
And may we be emboldened as the disciples to go and offer that service and love to one another, finding ways to serve and love from a distance. 
Give us creativity to find ways to spread your love from a distance, that the greatest to the least may feel loved and watched over. 
In the name of Christ our leader and redeemer,

Kelsey Lewis
Pastor to Youth and Families
First Baptist Church of Decatur