Being OK When the World Isn't


What in your life has changed in the past two months?  How have you changed your life in response to the pandemic?  You may be working from home, adjusting to new ways of doing what you do.  You may spend your days caring for children, guiding them through the challenges of online school.  You may be isolated inside your home, unable to leave for fear of the virus.

As change has come into your life, your stress has probably increased.  Anxiety, stress, and grief have become a common experience for all of us.  Many of us know the names of people who have tested positive or have died.  The ever-increasing number of cases becomes personal when you know one name, one face among the millions. 

In the midst of such stress, how do you maintain inner peace?  How do you let the presence of God’s Spirit quiet your noisy, fearful heart?

The Apostle Paul, writing from an isolated Roman prison cell, said, “Do not worry about anything . . . and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. . . whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable . . . think about these things.  And the God of peace will be with you.”

No matter how stressful your life, you can control what you think about.  Paul said to think on the things that make life good and worthy, the things that are a part of our lives in Jesus.  When you turn your attention away from what is out of your control and let go of your worries, the God of peace will be with you. 

Do not worry about this crazy moment in your life.  Instead, let the peace of God, which is greater than your daily circumstances, guard your heart, and mind in Christ Jesus. 

Greg Smith, Director of Legacy Ministry, First Baptist Church of Decatur