Friday Daily Prayer


April 24, 2020

Holy God,

In the midst of all that is happening in our lives, we pause for a moment to recognize your presence with us. Inviting you to pull up a chair at the table of our souls; weary broken souls in need of soothing balm and sustaining blessing, we pour out our hearts to you. We ache, we are tired, we grieve.

We bring to you our heavy burdens, grateful for the chance to relax our shoulders from the weight we have carried for so many weeks that feel like long years spent in exile. You take our burdens and lighten our loads, and replace the heaviness with hope.

Help us, God, to persevere in the task of training our eyes to look for hope. It becomes more difficult on certain days, so remind us to pause and to give thanks. Remind ya to pray for one another, and give us wisdom and open hearts to discern how you want to use us to serve others in this time.

We pray, gratefully, in the name of Jesus, the name that calms our fears. Amen.

Submitted By:
Sara Robb-Scott
Pastor for Senior Adults and Pastoral Care
First Baptist Church of Decatur

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