FBCD Sermons

FBC Decatur FBC Decatur

Freedom’s Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose: David Jordan (S)

Freedom has always been a big word in our national psyche. As Americans, we take pride in the many liberties we believe we have. As Christians, this has also been a heavy, foundational concept. Freedom lies at the heart of Paul’s letter to the churches in Galatia. For our sermon today, we wrestle with the very difficult, controversial impacts being both devotedly Christian and passionately American have in our lives together. Join us for this challenging text and for this profoundly significant sermon.

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FBC Decatur FBC Decatur

All You Need Is Love: David Jordan (S)

All You Need Is Love

I Corinthians 13:13

Love is God’s magic superpower. Generally overlooked in our daily interactions, we can be full participants in this sacred connection to God and to one another. Join us for a powerful and creative presentation on the potential of God’s powerful love in our lives. And in addition, watch for the special broader worship experience that includes our own Decatur Avondale Children’s Choir singing songs of hope and praise in four different languages under the direction of Rev. Mark Green, our Pastor for Senior Adults and Youth and Children’s Music. 

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FBC Decatur FBC Decatur

Rocking the Rolling Stone: David Jordan (S)

Luke 24:1-12

Naturally, Easter Sunday is supposed to be a service of resurrection. First though, it’s worth considering the story leading up to the empty tomb: sadness, anxiety, devastating loss, palpable hopelessness, death. 

And yet, following the women of the story, their journey to the tomb on Sunday and beyond, provides some valuable guidance for living in these days. Join us as we learn together, are challenged, informed, inspired, and we hope, transformed for a new season of springtime resurrection.

With music and much gratitude, share with us in this very special Easter celebration.

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FBC Decatur FBC Decatur

Who in the World is This? David Jordan (S)

Matthew 21:1-12

Questions rumble through this unusual passage in all four of the Gospel stories. Often called “The Triumphal Entry,” this traditional Palm Sunday text presents contrasting visions of what the future might hold. These same contrasts, along with their accompanying tensions, were lived out in the days following Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. And those contrasting visions continue today in our own society. Join us as we explore this important text, what Jesus really stood for, and why that matters now. 

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FBC Decatur FBC Decatur

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? David Jordan (S)

Acts 13:1

Confusion runs rampant in our world today, in many ways and for many reasons. This rather obscure verse from the Book of Acts offers little in the way of clarity to our confusion, at least on the surface. But it’s depth of meaning offers a surprisingly big dose of hope. Listen closely, dig a little deeper with us. For in today’s lesson we discover key insights, wisdom and helpful context that shines a light on each of our own struggles. Looking for hope in a hard world beset by confusion? Join us as we share: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner!

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FBC Decatur FBC Decatur

Power to the People: David Jordan (S)

Acts 1:8

Do you ever feel insecure? Feeling incapable of making much a difference in the world is a more common dilemma than we might think. Hard times and daunting difficulties are nothing new to our human condition. And yet, ordinary people continue to be used in extraordinary ways to make holy, needed changes. Join us and discover vital reminders of how God provides Power to the People!

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FBC Decatur FBC Decatur

Bearing Fruit Abundantly: David Jordan (S)

John 10:10b; 15:5; Psalm 36:7-9

This is a message of Good News. One of many found in the Bible, these two passages in John, along with Psalm 36:7-9, remind us about God’s abundance. This concept in scripture conjures numerous positive images. Discover with us how God’s abundance leads to a productive life, one that blesses not only you, but also those around you. 

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FBC Decatur FBC Decatur

Surprise Endings: David Jordan (S)

Surprise Endings

Luke 19:1-10

In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus tells stories that have surprise, even shocking endings. In our passage for today, Jesus orchestrates a conclusion that generates mumbling, grumbling, anger – and great joy. Join us and hear the radical, paradoxical  message Jesus conveys, and how that lesson impacts our lives.

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FBC Decatur FBC Decatur

Learning to Follow Part 2: David Jordan (S)

Matthew 16:24-25

Learning to follow Jesus changes lives. It can turn the world upside down, or right-side up, depending upon your perspective. Jesus’ teaching can also can be very intimidating. The outline of our verses for today’s lesson demonstrate this difficulty well. 

Deny yourself; take up your cross; follow me.

How might these imperatives translate into today’s complicated world? And what might be some tangible ways to better understand his calling to us? Join us as we explore the power of these words from the Gospel of Matthew.  

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FBC Decatur FBC Decatur

Learning to Follow Part 1: David Jordan (S)

Matthew 9:9

Learning to follow Jesus doesn’t just happen. The Gospel of Matthew challenges us in creative, educational and highly relevant ways. Join us as Dr. Jordan takes on a deep dive into and through this vital part of the New Testament story of Jesus, and of how to follow him. 

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