Who are you REALLY?

who are you really sermon first baptist church decatur.png

December 13, 2020

As the evenings are cooler and the air is clearer, take some time to gaze up at the heavens. Cast against the vast backdrop of the universe, our individual lives take on an entirely different feel. Along with Isaiah’s call to the wonder, or to “Gaze Outward” at the greatness of God.

The gospel of John, on the other hand, reminds us to “Look Inward.” John the Baptist knows clearly who he is not; and he is also keenly aware of who he is, and what that entails.

And finally, for each of us in these troubled times, we also hear the clear biblical call from both the prophet and the gospel, to “Move Onward.”

Let us hear together this important calling as Dr. Jordan guides us through these timely passages.

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