The Power of Confession

Psalm 32:3-7; Luke 15:1-3; 11-24

Guilt and shame are very different. One is destructive; the other has the potential to facilitate healing. Focusing on Psalm 32 for this sermon, we explore how guilt can be a guide to liberation, to recovery, and to reestablishing helpful, hopeful days that God intends. Join us as we learn to together; be inspired by the insights provided from these passages; and may God work though these words to benefit your daily walk through The Power of Confession.

Next Week’s Sermon: Unconventional Boundaries. Also, look forward with us next week as we will continue this two week series looking more closely at Luke 15 and one of the most famous parables Jesus ever told. What you always thought you knew about this story might be far less then Jesus intended. Join us and find out the fascinating wisdom and subversive message of his words. 
