R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Part 2


June 21, 2020

The difficult passage of Hagar from chapter 21 of Genesis leads us into a hard discussion about separation, about differences, and about God’s expectations for us. While this part of the Bible seems to imply that it’s okay to exclude others and to maintain separateness, Dr. Jordan reminds us of the complexities of the Old Testament. He also focuses on the clear message of the New Testament. The life, teaching, and ministry of Jesus, our other passage of today from Romans 6, and the overall message of the New Testament teaches us otherwise. Join us as we take a valuable, challenging journey for this strange and difficult time.

Note: David mentions in his message about the confederate monument in Decatur that had yet to be removed prior to his recording of this sermon. It has since been removed (6/18/2020). Read the AJC article here.