Believing in the Goodness of God

Psalm 27

It’s hard sometimes. Believing the goodness of God can be a daunting exercise when we’re surrounded by turmoil, filled with anxiety and unsettled with any number of issues we cannot control. If you can relate, you’re in good company. The psalmist declares faith: 

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?

And he then goes on to describe situations that sound very much like a combination of invasion, pandemic and looming disaster. 

We hear these words of scripture as part of our larger worship context in which we have experienced a video interview I did with my friend, Pastor Andrei, a Ukrainian Baptist pastor. As pastor of Vinnytsia Grace Baptist Church, he and they are on the front lines of this horrible conflict following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Psalm 27 sounds as though it could have been written just for them, as well as for us. Join us as we hear these words and as I attempt to offer a real world and very present day context. 
