The Journeys of Paul in Greece


Dear Friends:

Beth and I are offering a new travel and study opportunity for the spring of 2025 (April 26-May 3) called The Journeys of Paul in Greece. Over the years, we have found the incredible value of broadening biblical understanding through educational travel along with reading, study and lectures as preparation for the trip. 

Since 1995 when I led my first group of twenty eight friends and church members to the Holy Land, I’ve had the great pleasure of taking numerous groups to places like Italy, Greece, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Malta, Sicily, France, Austria, Germany, Switzerland and more. 

Attached here, you will find a link to our itinerary and the details. We’ll travel to Thessaloniki, Philippi, Berea, Meteora, Delphi, Corinth, Cenchreae, Athens and more. There is also an optional post-tour extension if you’d like to experience a brief but beautiful Greek Isle cruise. 

Feel free to let Beth or me know if you have any questions. We also have a traditional paper brochure available if you prefer that to this digital version. 

We look forward to hearing from you and possibly traveling together in the near future.




Beth’s Books - March


Assistance Ministry Winter Clothing Drive