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Journey to the Holy Land, May 21-31, 2022

As many of you know, a group of 46 from our community were joining me on a Holy Land pilgrimage back in May of 2020. That trip has been postponed twice due to COVID precautions. But we are now back and ready to go. Our group has been reduced to 25 travelers now, which means we have room for a few more if any of you are interested. Our trip also offers a Pre-tour Jesus Trail hike from Nazareth to the Sea of Galilee, and a Post-tour Nile River cruise if you’re interested. 

We must get your travel information in immediately so that your names can be added. Please contact me ASAP if you have questions and would be interested in joining us. I have brochures in my office, and I’d be glad to send you an attached copy so that you can register online. 

Have a great week everyone!

