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Beginner Yoga and Center Prayer

  • 308 Clairemont Ave Decatur United States (map)
Beginner Yoga 2020 - 1024x512.png

Do you want to start yoga but don’t know where to begin?

Yoga instructor, Patti Lombardi, is offering a FREE 6-week course designed with beginners in mind! And while it’s for newbies, seasoned practitioners of yoga are encouraged to participate as well.

This will be a time of gentle stretching and breathing exercises designed to quiet the mind and open the heart. The 40-minute yoga practice will be followed by a 10-15 minute time of Centering Prayer. No prior experience necessary and all are welcome to attend one or both practices.

The class is every Wednesday beginning March 4 and runs through April 8. Sessions will begin promptly at 5:30pm in S-127 on the first (ground) floor of the Sanctuary building.

No registration is necessary. Your own mat and comfortable clothing are recommended.

*Note: during the season of Lent, an optional “Center Prayer Meditation” will be offered from 6:15-6:30pm immediately following class.

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