We Need a Resurrection Theology
“I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.”
Easter is all about the ultimate and certain triumph of the good over evil,
of light over darkness,
of hope over despair,
of life over death.
We need a resurrection theology!
…To all who suffer horrific grief, destruction, and displacement due to senseless war
...To those uncertain about what lies ahead
…To those separated from family and friends
…To those who have ever lost a child, a sister, a brother, a father, a mother, a spouse, or a dear friend
…To all who suffer,
…to all that weep,
…to all who mourn…
We need a resurrection theology!
God gives peace, promise, hope, and joy through the resurrection
In Christ there is hope
In Christ there is a future
In Christ there is pardon
In Christ there is promise
In Christ there are new possibilities ahead
He is risen!
Christ is risen indeed!
You are loved!
R. Mark Green
Pastor to Senior Adults and Youth & Children's Music