Seasonal Blessings

Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth.
Worship the LORD with gladness;
come into his presence with singing.
Know that the LORD is God.
It is he that made us, and we are his;[a]
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
and his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him, bless his name.
For the LORD is good;
his steadfast love endures forever,
and his faithfulness to all generations.

Autumn has always been one of my favorite times of the year, I guess I like it so much because I have such fond memories from my childhood.

Often, in late October or early November, my parents would take us four children on a late afternoon ride in the country. We would eagerly jump in our Ford Falcon station wagon each vying for a seat by the window. It was a magical and thrilling experience!

The drive usually was a meandering journey down little dirt roads with weatherworn fences alongside them. We would marvel at the seemingly infinite variety of wildflowers and colorful autumn foliage of the trees. Sleepy old barns leaning on their foundations as if dozing for an afternoon nap would add a sense of charm to the scene.

Our travels took us beside rocky creeks and streams that were fresh, clean, and alive with life. The air was brisk and cool. The sky was a deep shade of blue. It was the perfect autumn day!

Also, autumn brings Thanksgiving Day. For most of my life, I enjoyed Thanksgiving at Nana’s house north of Ellijay, Georgia way back at the end of a country road surrounded by mountains. Nana was my grandmother on my father’s side. Her farm was a great place for a young boy to explore. There were old, weatherworn barns, cozy hideouts, hills for climbing, a creek to explore, and some wide-open pastures in which to play.

On Thanksgiving morning my aunts would work in the kitchen making ambrosia, cooking the vegetables, baking cornbread dressing, and peeling potatoes for the meal. There were a few last-minute pies to bake, some slaw to chop, and some iced tea to brew. My uncles would sit on the front porch and talk football, politics, tell jokes, or swap hunting and fishing stories. My cousins, siblings, and I would play. We would climb the mountains, skip stones in the creek, and play touch football in the north pasture.

When it came time for the traditional Thanksgiving meal, the entire family gathered in Nana’s front room – no small task, for there were over 60 of us in all. My mom would lead the crowd in singing “We Gather Together to Ask the Lord’s Blessings” and we would often quote Psalm 100; “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands…” My father, as the eldest son, and a full-time pastor always had the honor of leading in the prayer. He would thank God for our bountiful blessings, His watch care, His provisions in our lives, and for the food we were about to receive. It was indeed a treasured time of worship.

Those moments… those precious, warm, and sacred moments of family, thankfulness, and faith stand out to me as marker events in my life and spiritual journey. Maybe similar moments come to mind for you as well. We thank God for all His blessings this season of the year. May your Thanksgiving Day be a hallowed time of abundance, gratitude, warmth, joy, family, and praise.


Mark Green
Pastor for Senior Adults & Youth and Children’s Music