Prayer of Remembrance


Prayer for Remembrance

Inspired by “U.S. Deaths Near 100,000, an Incalculable Loss,” New York Times, May 24, 2020. 

“Therefore, we do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”  (2 Corinthians 4:16)

God of life,

You created life and called it good.  And life is good.  Life is sacred and holy.  We live the life you gave us one moment at a time.  Each moment a story, each story a glimpse of personality, of character, of our humanity.  For this life with which you have gifted us, we give you thanks.  

We are entrusted with our lives, called to love and accept ourselves as you love and accept each one.  You call us your beloved children.  Help us to live by that truth. 

We are also entrusted with loving the lives of others, who are also your beloved children.  We are called to love and accept them as our neighbors, to love and accept them as we love and accept ourselves.  For, in your love we are all made one.

We remember those whose lives were given in military service to our country.  We give you thanks for each life, each story, each person.  We are grateful for their sacrifice, and for your gift of their life. 

We also remember those whose lives have been lost in this pandemic.  Hundreds of thousands of your beloved children around the world whose gift of life ended in great suffering and loneliness.  We give you thanks for each life, each story, each person.  We are grateful for your gift of their lives. 

Just as you are grieved by the pain, suffering, and death of each of your children, so must we.  With you, we suffer with each one who suffers.  We grieve the loss of each life, even as you grieve the loss of the life you have given. 

Each death was the ending of a life story, grieved by loved ones, friends, caregivers, medical workers and nursing home staff.  Each life touched the lives of others.  Each life made a difference, whether great or small. 

Life is holy, just by being.  What we do with our lives is also holy, our work, our accomplishments, our love given to others.  Each life is a story of love, laughter, pain, sorrow, loss, and grief.  As we remember, give us strength of spirit, renew our hope, and remind us of the precious gift of every life, for which we give you thanks in our remembrance today.


Submitted by:
Greg Smith, Director of Legacy Ministry, First Baptist Decatur