Prayer in the Autumn


The faithful return of cool air and falling leaves is a reminder that life goes on and our world continues its orbit, and you imagined and oversee it all, day in and day out.

Sometimes it can be hard to fathom your bigness in relation to our littleness, God, but we acknowledge there is so much we don’t know and so much we do not control.

So we take a moment to stand in wonder of the immeasurably complex cycles of which we are all a part— from that great orbit around the sun, to the life of a leaf, which eventually returns back to the ground it came from.

We are like the leaves, made from earth and destined to return to it.

We are like planets, orbiting our life source.

When our problems feel very big and the responsibilities of life weigh us down, teach us to return to this place of wonder, to remember that Love gave birth to our world and to us, that you are a big, big God, but not too big to love little ones like us. 



Kelsey Vincent
Pastor for Youth & Families