A Prayer for When Plans Keep Changing


A Prayer for When Plans Change

God, we are tired.

We are tired of making plans, only to have them change a few days, weeks, or months later. We are tired of getting excited about having something to do on our calendar, only to arrive at the decision that we can’t do that thing.

We are tired of preparing our children, friends, and families for the next thing, only to be told by someone else that this thing will not happen. We just want to stop erasing things from the calendar, God. We just want to know what the future holds. 

But maybe we need to stop thinking about what is happening on the calendar and pay attention to what is happening around us. Help us to reframe how we see these events and changes in our lives as inconveniences and disappointments, and instead to see them as open doors and a chance to just live in the moment. 

Help us to let go of the control that we feel we need to have over every moment, and to trust in you, God. Help us to be in tune with what your hopes and dreams and plans are for our lives and this world so that we may join with you in those hopes and dreams, as we continue to do our best to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. 

Give us energy, God, and positivity as we do our best to see these changes and cancellations as new ways to connect with you and the world around us. Fill our hearts with renewed strength as we take each day as it comes. Fill our spirits with joy as we take on each day with new eyes. Fill our minds with flexibility as we make adjustments again, and again, and again. Fill our lives with gladness as we work to bring your love to all those we meet. 

We pray all of these things in the name of the God who knows the plans in store for us,


Reverend Kristen Koger has served as the Pastor for Children and Families at FBC Decatur since June 2017. Kristen loves working with the youngest of God’s family as she helps them realize that they have some of the most important gifts to offer the family of God. In her free time, she enjoys hanging out with her dog Dietrich “Bonehoeffer,” cooking, knitting, and playing board games.