A Prayer for the Brokenhearted


God who sees us,

You promise to be close to the brokenhearted and that blessed are those who mourn.

We know that Christ himself faced grief and loss as he lived on earth and we find comfort in your closeness during our own grief.

For those who are grieving the loss of loved ones, for those who have lost hope, for those absorbing painful news, we ask that you would be close to them.

Embrace them with your loving arms and comfort them with your peace that passes understanding.

For those who fear waking up each morning and facing a painful new reality, give them purpose and hope that life is worth living.

Remind them of your great love, Oh God, by sending messengers of your love in human form. 

And help us to be mindful of that loss, God, that we might mourn with those who mourn.

In the name of your Son Jesus,


Kelsey Vincent, Pastor for Youth and Families, First Baptist Church Decatur