Prayer for Lighting the Way


Gracious and Loving God,

Your word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path and oh how we come to you asking for you to light the way for us today.

We find ourselves using the word "unprecedented" to describe the events of this age, knowing we are in uncharted territory. 

Our bodies need for us to maintain social distance while our hearts are aching for a hug. 

So we ask that you would light the way with your Love, showing us the path to loving each other well. For those of us at our wits ends, sharing small spaces with big families, give us patience and peace. For those who live alone and face loneliness and isolation, give them community and friendship in creative ways. 

Light a way toward healing, God, as healthcare workers treat the ill and scientists develop treatments and vaccines, and public health professionals advise on policies and lawmakers implement those policies, may you go before each one and light the way toward healing. 

And Light a way toward Justice, God. As those of us who have navigated the world oblivious to systems of racial inequalities, light a way toward acknowledgment and repentance. For those who have been painfully aware of injustice all their lives, light a way toward wholeness and healing. 

Like the pillar of smoke that went before the Israelites, go before us Lord and we will follow you into uncharted territory. 

In Christ's name we pray,


Submitted By:
Kelsey Vincent, Pastor for Youth and Families
First Baptist Church Decatur