On Fountains and Refreshment


11 The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life,
    but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.
12 Hatred stirs up strife,

    but love covers all offenses.

Consider: The power of God’s refreshing love.

It was one of the hottest days Italy had experienced in years. Sunny and in the upper nineties, our family wandered through the pulsating, chaotic traffic of Rome. We were trying to enjoy the romance of the city, the beauty of the language, the wonder of the food and the deep history of the ancient ruins. But we were stymied. Hot and exhausted, our primary goal was to find a shady spot to stay out of the blazing sun. 

Then we heard it. Long before we turned the corner to actually see the magnificent sculptures, we were drawn inexorably forward to be the enticing sound of crashing water. Hidden among the crowds and maze of alleyways, the Trevi Fountain exudes an exotic sense of joy. Water gushes and rushes and leaps in and among exotic statues with a verve and energy that rejuvenated our spirits. All across the one hundred and sixty-one feet of width and eighty-six feet of height, refreshing currents of air rise from the rushing water. The remarkable fountain creates a massive cooling effect so that all of us in the crowd experienced blessed and immediate refreshment.

Such is the nature of doing right, while living and sharing in God’s love. Here is the amazing gift of new life. This sacred fountain offers amazing and life-giving refreshment. 

Hidden agendas abound; hatred is real. But love is vastly different. Not only refreshing in heat and exhaustion, love is strong. It “covers all offenses.” Love stands up to injustice, diffuses anger, undermines selfishness and counteracts hatred. Love prevails over all that is wrong and unjust, and multiplies all that is right and good. 

We can be this fountain of life for others. We can bring a sense of refreshment and hope to the weary and disillusioned. Let God’s love come alive in you this week. Your life will be a joyful and rejuvenating presence to those you have the honor to be with. 

Prayer for this Week: Lord, allow me the honor of serving as source of refreshment. Give me the strength to be wise and the wisdom to be strong. And allow the power of your love to flow through what I say, how I act, and the ways that I view the world this week. Amen. 

David Jordan
Senior Pastor