Natural Selection and Jesus
Galapagos archipelagos
A tortoise, slow, evolving goes
And other species in the throws
Like us, in change, adapt.
Natural Selection onward moves
Which forcibly, the weak, removes
And plies the stronger on, which proves
Our need for Jesus now.
The competition Darwin learned
Is evolution’s main concern
But Jesus speaks to those who yearn
To learn more graceful ways.
Deeply aware of human needs,
He heals and teaches, sowing seeds
For Jesus’ hopeful vision breeds
Compassion for God’s world.
He contradicts conventional,
Both then and now is radical
In raising up the marginal
Like poor and weak and sad.
Now let his vision speak anew
From competition moving through
A new, evolved, enlightened view:
Compassion’s new success.
What Darwin found is likely right,
And Jesus died so that we might
Defend the outcast with a fight
For justice, grace and peace.
All tempered with God’s love designed
To change a world before resigned
To selfishness but now assigned
Evolvement through our Lord.
So may it be with glad intent
To know again that Jesus sent
A new selection to present:
For God so loves the world.
David Jordan
Senior Pastor