Mister Grammar and his counterpart

The old man Punctuation

Were earlier seen carousing ‘round 

A similar location

They staggered out together 

With their participles dangling

And questions marks were left by them

Amidst linguistic jangling

Their verbs were few so clauses they

Unduly left dependent.

And swaying back and forth away

Their nouns felt deep resentment.

Infinitives, they quickly split

And gerunds prepositioned

While other parts of speech foresaw

The future now envisioned.

Of drunken words and paragraphs

And random thoughts askew;

With structure gone, there’s little left 

To punctuate for you.

When Grammar staggered off that night 

And Punctuation wallowed,

Communication lapsed right then

And concepts quickly followed.

What can be said if words are left 

To ramble at their ease?

When you and I can let words fly

And jumble what we please?

So listen children, understand

We need not teach in vain.

For learning proper grammar’s an 

Investment in your brain.

David Jordan
Senior Pastor