Giving Thanks
“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
It is good to give thanks.
It is right to express appreciation.
It is wholesome to show gratitude.
The season of autumn and particularly the month of November remind us of God’s bounty, abundance, and provision in our lives. It leads us to be a people of gratitude known for being expressive of our many thanks for what God has done in our lives. Likewise, we are known for expressing our gratitude to others for what they have done to bless and enrich our lives as well.
It will soon be Thanksgiving again. Many of us will travel to be with family for the Thanksgiving holiday or perhaps you will have family and friends gathering at your house.
There are lots of plans to make, food to prepare, and details to attend to… but all in all Thanksgiving remains a rather simple, straight forward holiday. One of my favorites and maybe one of yours as well.
I like Thanksgiving because of its simplicity – it is not over-hyped, overblown, or too commercial. It’s a very traditional holiday and most of us will spend the day much as we have for many years.
I like it because it is steeped in the traditions and history of our nation.
Early settlers known as the pilgrims left the comforts of the old world for the promise of a bright future in this New World – a future that included the privilege (or right) to worship God as they saw fit. Their voyage on the Mayflower was a treacherous one and they were blown off course to the north landing at Cape Cod on the coast of what is now known as Massachusetts instead of their intended destination, the colony of Virginia.
And if the tumultuous voyage was not bad enough, their first winter was a tough one for those pilgrims and many… approximately half… of their number died.
But the following year with the help of Native Americans, the pilgrims learned to plant maize (corn), till the soil, and build their houses. That next autumn 1621, the harvest was bountiful. Their leader, William Bradford declared that they should have a Thanksgiving feast to celebrate God’s goodness to them. They invited the Native American Chief Massasoit. Ninety of his braves attended the three-day event. They ate, played games, and gave thanks to God for His providence and protection in a new land.
I like Thanksgiving because it is a family-oriented holiday. Lots of people will spend the early part of the week traveling. We’re told that the day before Thanksgiving is one of the busiest days of the year for public transportation: planes, trains and automobiles. Everybody is trying to get one place – home!
And I like it because it’s a sacred holiday. Although it is not directly related to the Biblical feasts of thanksgiving such as the Feast of Tabernacles or the Feast of Booths, it is akin to these in its essence: a celebration set aside to thank God for His blessings.
It is good to give thanks
It is right to express appreciation
It is wholesome to show gratitude
Psychologists and social scientists tell us that gratitude increases our happiness and sense of well-being. When we express appreciation, it fosters our sense of security and self-confidence. It also inspires us to be more altruistic – self-giving, generous, and kind-hearted. Gratitude can help us overlook other people’s imperfections and let go of grudges that keep us mired in negativity.
I’ve always said that “Good theology is always good psychology.” An old hymn goes, “Count your blessings, name them one by one; and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”
Good advice. Good counsel.
We should ask ourselves: What blessings are abundant our lives today? To whom do I need to show appreciation?
“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. – Colossians 3:17
It is good to give thanks.
It is right to express appreciation.
It is wholesome to show gratitude.
God bless you this Thanksgiving season and always.
You are loved,
R. Mark Green
Pastor to Senior Adults and Youth & Children's Music