Everywhere, All the Time


Psalm 139

We notice it in ourselves. We saw it in our clothing as kids: what fit us one day became too small the next. We also feel it at times in our spiritual perspectives. The challenging texts of the Bible (and there are many) offer numerous windows into this same kind of growth, or evolution of faith and understanding. 

Changes occur from societal issues, fortuitous opportunities, danger, significant challenges and, we hope, personal growth. Psalm 139 provides a classic and highly meaningful text for us to explore. These very human patterns of crisis, coping, resolution, new insight, deepened resiliency or potential despondency become quickly evident in these ancient words. Through it all, wherever we go and in spite of whatever comes our way, God is with us, everywhere, all the time.

I hope you will join us this Sunday as we explore them together in both of our services. I will be working with this text in the Sanctuary Service. You also experience the great wisdom of our Rev. Mark Green, as he will be guiding us through a similar examination of the same text in our Fresh Start service. 

Our Youth Beach Retreat 

And Our New Intern/Associates Coming Soon!

I’m thankful to report that our youth had a great week at Folly Beach last week. Special thanks to Andrea and to our fantastic youth Chaperones for the week: Tracy Lehrer, Mickey Goodson, and Carol Hadley. We now look forward to many good days ahead as we welcome our new Youth Ministry Associate, Zach Mason. He, along with our new Children’s Associate, Jewel Canon will be with us for the first time on Sunday, August 20th. 

The Potential of Passport 

And the Future of Our Youth and Children

I had the pleasure of joining Andrea and her daughter Leah yesterday afternoon at a lovely camp near Madison, Georgia. We met for the opening worship service for Passport Camp for Kids, a fantastic CBF-sponsored Christian Summer Camp. Passport Camps meet throughout the Southeast and provide the perfect spiritual venue for children and youth in churches like ours. I’m so grateful to Andrea for making these connections and already getting some exciting plans made for NEXT summer. 

We both had the opportunity to meet and speak with Coleen Burroughs, the Director of all Passport Camps in the Southeast. She also is excited about FBCD joining the fun next summer. Be looking and listening for more details from Andrea on the many terrific plans on the horizon.

Our Church Finances

Thanks to so many of you and for your consistent generosity, our church is moving forward with good plans and stable finances. As always, we are grateful for the key leadership and positive guidance of Dilshad Premji, Courtney Mwangura, Ronnie Jowers, Phil Wise and many others. 

Summer has often been a time when giving drops and our church budget suffers. That has not been the case so far this year. You have continued to provide us with the resources necessary to continue and to even expand many of our ministries to our community and beyond. We pray that this continued generous spirit will yield growing dividends in the coming days. So many good things are happening; and so much more can and must be done. Bless you and keep up the great work!

With much love and great gratitude, 



David Jordan
Senior Pastor